Best trees for small gardens
Tree Surgeon and Gardening Tips from Eastbourne, East Sussex.
Photo by Sugarman Joe on Unsplash
Having a large garden is a blessing and sometimes the best things come in small packages. Your garden doesn’t always need to be big to make a great impact. We recently wrote a post about how to make a colourful impact from your small space and now we are going to dive deeper into what trees are great for smaller gardens.
Our most favourite tree and one that doesn’t have to be limited to small gardens is the Japanese Maple Tree (acer platinum). These trees are so beautiful as they can come in a range of colours; Red, Green, Dark Red/Purple and as the season changes they will turn into beautiful oranges and golds. They also don’t love being in direct sunlight so are perfect if your garden isn’t lucky enough to be a south facing. Plant them in a more sheltered spot and can even be grown in large tubs so can be moved around if you like to change things up. These trees are also slow growing and not too tall if you don’t want them to. Therefore, you won’t have a huge tree overtaking your garden any time soon.
We have perviously mentioned Cherry Trees (Prunus Avium) and stand by them being great small garden companions. Again grow them in large pots/tubs and you can have a garden that you can always change around depending on your mood. Bay Trees (Laurus nobilis) are also great small garden trees as regular pruning will keep these small trees to any size you would like. They also provide an extra service by seasoning your food. If you have your bay tree near a road, make sure you throughly wash them before adding them to any dish. Fruit trees are great and many will provide a harvest during the summer and autumn months. Some examples are Peach Trees (Prunus persica), Crab Apple (Malus sylvestris), Apricots (Prunus armeniaca), Citrus Trees and Fig Trees (Ficus carica). It is not thought that we would be able to grow many fruits in mild weather but your garden might be great for growing trees and to provide some extra treats for yourself.
Eucalyptus trees (Eucalpytus pauciflora) are also great because they provide all year round foliage. You might have seen them in flower displays and there is a great reason why, they are beautiful with silver-green leaves. The bark is often patchwork representing the real deal camouflage. They can grow up to 8m tall so regular pruning will keep them maintained at your preferred height. Soil type is also not too important with these trees making them a good easy grower. Hawthorn Trees (Crataegus monogyna) are a native tree to the UK and are also a wildlife first choice. You may see these tree blossoms covered in bees in the summer and they leave off a lasting fragrance. Moths also use this tree for food and in autumn they provide valuable berries a great source for animals and birds.
Palms (Brahea armata) are also great to show off some gardening landscape design and to add some flair to your small garden. The Mexican blue palm (Brahea armata ) has a wide fan spread and silver leaves. Chusan palm (Trachycaprus Fortunei) provide a lovely fan shape and can give your garden a very tropical feel.
At Pollard Tree Care we also have some experience of Tropical and Native Flora so please get in contact if you have any garden questions and would like us to come round and give you are free quote.